Tagalog Education
Cooperation Should Not Have Any Language Barriers








Education Proposals (Course / Subject)
Education Proposals (University, College, etc.)
Tutors & One-on-one Tuition Proposals
Student Exchange Programs (to receive students)
Research Exchange (to receive students)
Cultural Exchange (to receive students)
Student Work Abroad (work available)
Private / Individual exchange (want to host)
Arts - Education

Tutors Needed
Student Exchange Programs (to send students)
Research Exchange (to send students)
Cultural Exchange (to send students)
Student Work Abroad (work required)
Private / Individual exchange (want to visit)


Extensive Education Directory gives all you need to find a Study Course and a Learning Establishment (e.g. University, College, Boarding School etc.) at home or abroad.

It can be a specific subject such as English or Russian or a University Course at the required level. You can also find a personal tutor for private lessons in Languages, Arts and other disciplines.

A short description of every MBP Education Proposal is provided in the Education Directory together with a reference to the related publication and/or web site.

Select an appropriate menu item.

To specify your query choose an appropriate Country-City and / or Activity Area in the item "Place", marked with the symbol .

You can also use our advanced Search Facility, marked with the symbol .

The information is published in all the Website languages to be seen by as many of the Internet users around the world as possible.

Most frequent search phrases: abroad

Please send your questions and Proposals to webadmin@most-bridge.com

Our goal is to provide and constantly add new possibilities for information exchange in the world. We are always searching for new ideas. Many of the recent improvements of our service is the direct result of the suggestions made by visitors and members. We take very seriously any your comment.


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Click on # (in the first column) for more details

#Location & ProviderKeywordsCategorySpecialisationOfferPrice
67European Economic AreaGrants; Young scientists; Research project; Home institution; Working and Training visits; EUResearch Exchange (to send students)Physical Sciences, Mathematical and Computer Sciences, Engineering, Technologies, Social studies, Business and Administrative studies (including Finances)Young Scientists' Fellowships USD
60Berlitz International, Inc.
United States
Russia: Moscow
Berlitz; MethodTutors NeededEuropean Languages, Literature and related subjectsLanguages Instructors USD
39United Kingdom: LondonRussian literature; Russian culture; Russian ArtTutorsBusiness and Administrative studies (including Finances), European Languages, Literature and related subjects, Creative Arts and Design, EducationRussian Language for Foreigners USD
≥ 40 ≤ 60 USD/hour
35Bond Academy
Academic; Social; Physical; EducationEducation Proposals (University, College) Social studies  USD
34University of Applied Sciences - Fachhochschule Brandenburg (FHB)
Brandenburg (Germany )
Education; Management; Germany; BrandenburgEducation Proposals (Course / Subject) Management of Companies and Enterprises
Business and Administrative studies (including Finances)
 0.0 USD
C.E.I. / Club des 4 Vents
Work experience; Placement; Office; Shop; Library; Restaurant, HotelStudent Work Abroad (Work for Students)Business and Administrative studies (including Finances), European Languages, Literature and related subjects, EducationWork experience in French Business (unpaid and paid placement) USD
≥ 370 USD/week
32Russia: Moscow Tutors & One-on-one Tuition Proposals European Languages, Literature and related subjects  USD/hour
≥ 40 ≤ 70 USD/hour
25Russia: St.Petersburg TutorsPhysical Sciences, Engineering  USD
20 USD/hour
9St.Petersburg (Russia)Operational; Systems; SoftwareEducation Proposals (Course / Subject) Computer software analysis and design services, custom
Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Operational Systems ≥ 100 ≤ 200 USD
8COINED Argentina
Bariloche (Argentina); Buenos Aires (Argentina); Cordoba (Argentina); Mendoza (Argentina); Ushuaia (Argentina)
Six Levels; Variety of Courses; Small Class Size; Cultural ActivitiesEducation Proposals (Course / Subject) Language Schools
European Languages, Literature and related subjects
Español ≥ 340 ≤ 460 USD/week

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If you have not found the required information please publish your requirements / offers on The Website. Just recall how easy you have found our site - it means that your information will be instantly at the top of the Internet, too! Publication takes just a minute and is free until further notice. The information is published in all the Website languages to be seen by as many of the Internet users around the world as possible


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