Category | Music, Vinyl, CD - sold
Registration Date | 2012-10-27 15:19:55
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Goods Description
| Goods Reference Number | 12930
| Artist | ABBA
| Title | The Visitors
| Music Genre | Disco; Pop rock; Popular music
| Musical instrument | Vocals
| Year of production | 1980
| Made in: | United Kingdom
Short description | The Visitors is the eighth and final studio album by ABBA, released on November 30, 1981. With The Visitors, ABBA took several steps away from the "lighter" pop music they had recorded previously and the album is often regarded as a more complex and mature effort. The opening track, "The Visitors", with its ominous synthesizer sounds and the distinctive lead vocal by Frida, announced a change in musical style. With Benny and Frida going their separate ways, the pain of splitting up was explored yet again in "When All is Said and Done". The Visitors album was one of the first records to be recorded and mixed digitally, and was the first in history to be manufactured on the new CD format in 1982
Record Label | Epic
Manufacturer Part Number | EPC 10032
Original | yes
Album format, Media | LP
Playback | Stereo
Records in set: | 1
Condition | Very good
Web Page relevant to Grading System You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Details of Packaging
Packaging and Inserts | Inner sleeve
Condition | Very good
Location information
Country; City | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Dispatches to Country(ies):
Region: | Worldwide; CIS countries
Country(s); City(s) | Country: | United Kingdom; Russia |
Delivery | Please contact the provider (Available options) |
Web Page relevant to Delivery You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Price information
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Price Level | Price low
Status of sale | Sold
Currency Accepted | Euro EUR; United States Dollars USD; United Kingdom Pounds GBP; Russia Rubles RUB
Currency Preferred | United Kingdom Pounds GBP
Payment Methods Accepted | Credit Card; Cash; Personal / Business Cheques; Instant Money Transfer (Western Union, UNIStream, etc.); Postal Order; Direct deposit ; Cash on delivery / collection; Paypal; WebMoney
Prepayment | All orders must be paid in full prior to delivery
Web Page relevant to Discount Rate You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Provider Information
Name / Business Name | Evik
Location | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Type: | Private
Working Languages | English; Russian
Web Page relevant to Provider / Consumer Information You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
Services supplied by Provider
Services supplied by Provider You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Contact Information (click the link below) |
User name | evik United Kingdom: London