Category | Music, Vinyl, CD
Registration Date | 2011-10-25 17:52:27
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Goods Description
| Goods Reference Number | 11004
| Artist | Deep Purple
| Title | The Book of Taliesyn
| Music Genre | Blues-rock; Hard rock; Heavy metal; Rock
| Year of production | 1968
| Made in: | United States
| Gift | yes (Suitable as a present) |
Track listing | Side one: 1. "Listen, Learn, Read On" (Rod Evans, Ritchie Blackmore, Jon Lord, Ian Paice) – 4:05 2. "Wring That Neck" (originally titled "Hard Road" in the USA) (Blackmore, Nick Simper, Lord, Paice) – 5:13 3. "Kentucky Woman" (Neil Diamond) – 4:44 4(a) "Exposition" (Blackmore, Simper, Lord, Paice) 4(b) "We Can Work It Out" (John Lennon, Paul McCartney) – 7:06 Side two: 1. "Shield" (Evans, Blackmore, Lord) – 6:06 2. "Anthem" (Evans, Lord) – 6:31 3. "River Deep - Mountain High" (Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich, Phil Spector) – 10:12
Short description | The Book of Taliesyn is the second album by English rock band Deep Purple, released in 1968 by Tetragrammaton in the US, and by EMI's Harvest Records in the UK, and Polydor in Canada and Japan in 1969. The album follows the psychedelic/progressive rock sound of Shades of Deep Purple; however, there is a harder edge to several songs, beginning to show the new sound Deep Purple would introduce in 1970 with Deep Purple in Rock. There are three cover versions on this album - "Kentucky Woman", originally from Neil Diamond, "We Can Work It Out" from the Beatles and "River Deep Mountain High", known from Ike and Tina Turner version. The album's name is taken from a famous 14th century Welsh manuscript including certain poems attributed to the 6th century poet Taliesin
Record Label | Tetragrammaton Records
Manufacturer Part Number | T-107
Original | no
Album format, Media | LP
Album format, Media | Coloured vinyl; Limited edition (Further details) |
Playback | Stereo
Records in set: | 1
Condition | New
Web Page relevant to Grading System You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Details of Packaging
Condition | New
Condition | In shrink (Further details) |
Location information
Country; City | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Dispatches to Country(ies):
Region: | Worldwide; CIS countries
Country(s); City(s) | Country: | United Kingdom; Russia |
Delivery | Please contact the provider (Available options) |
Web Page relevant to Delivery You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Price information
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Price | Non-Negotiable
Price Level | Price high
Status of sale | Available
Currency Accepted | Euro EUR; United States Dollars USD; United Kingdom Pounds GBP; Russia Rubles RUB
Currency Preferred | United Kingdom Pounds GBP
Payment Methods Accepted | Credit Card; Cash; Personal / Business Cheques; Instant Money Transfer (Western Union, UNIStream, etc.); Postal Order; Direct deposit ; Cash on delivery / collection; Paypal; WebMoney
Prepayment | All orders must be paid in full prior to delivery
Web Page relevant to Discount Rate You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Provider Information
Name / Business Name | Evik
Location | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Type: | Private
Working Languages | English; Russian
Web Page relevant to Provider / Consumer Information You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
Services supplied by Provider
Services supplied by Provider You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Contact Information (click the link below) |
User name | evik United Kingdom: London