Category | Music, Vinyl, CD
Registration Date | 2014-06-13 09:07:22
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Goods Description
| Goods Reference Number | 14083
| Artist | Beatles
| Title | With the Beatles
| Music Genre | Popular music; Progressive rock; Psychedelic rock; Rock
| Year of production | 1963
| Made in: | United Kingdom
International Ranking | Platinum; The album is among the 1001 albums you must hear before you die. (In accordance with the list of the best music albums (1955 - ), compiled by 90 internationally acclaimed music journalists. - Book «1001 Albums You Must Hear before You Die», edited by Robert Dimery, Cassel Illustrated, 2010)
Short description | 1963 UK MONO 1st pressing with ‘error in 'You Really Gotta Hold On Me' song title (later corrected to the incorrect 'You Really Got a Hold On Me' and ‘JOBETE’ publishing credit for song “Money”. This record is an advanced order pre-release production copy pressed ahead of the Friday 22nd November 1963 release. With recording for this album still taking place as late as 24th October 1963 these copies were hurriedly made by EMI for the impending deadline which was less than a month away. Mastered at high volume with an enhanced dynamic, these 1N matrix number pressings were quickly withdrawn from sale and replaced by a succession of new and different sounding matrix masters
| Record Label | Parlophone
| Manufacturer Part Number | PMC 1206
| Matrix Number | XEX 447 - 1N / XEX 448 - 1N
| Stamper Number | 3 - GG / 1,6 - MR
| Original | yes
| Album format, Media | LP
| Album format, Media | First pressing (Further details) | Playback | Mono
| Label description | The first issue on the traditional Black and Yellow Parlophone label; The very first lettering variation; ‘RECORDING FIRST PUBLISHED... ‘ ; ‘Made in Gt. BRITAIN’ ; Rim text ‘THE PARLOPHONE CO. LTD. ‘ ; 'MKT' tax code embossed on the label
| Records in set: | 1
| Condition | Very good; Good
| Sound sample: | The record plays better than it looks
Web Page relevant to Grading System You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Details of Packaging
| Sleeve description | Front laminated; Tri-flipback; `Ernest J. Day`
| Condition | Very good
| Sleeve damages / defects (front side): | Damage type | Damage size (dimensions: XxY cm or % of total area) | Tearing | 15 cm |
| Sleeve damages / defects (reverse side): | Damage type | Damage size (dimensions: XxY cm or % of total area) | Tearing | 2 * 2 cm |
Location information
Country; City | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Dispatches to Country(ies):
Region: | Worldwide
Country(s); City(s) | Country: | United Kingdom; Russia |
Delivery | Please contact the provider (Available options) |
Web Page relevant to Delivery You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Price information
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Price | Non-Negotiable
Price Level | Price high
Catalog price / List price / 'Book' value / Suggested retail price (mint condition)
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Status of sale | Available, and similar goods are available from the same seller. Use 'Sort' to find
Currency Accepted | Euro EUR; United States Dollars USD; United Kingdom Pounds GBP; Russia Rubles RUB
Currency Preferred | United Kingdom Pounds GBP
Payment Methods Accepted | Credit Card; Cash; Personal / Business Cheques; Instant Money Transfer (Western Union, UNIStream, etc.); Postal Order; Direct deposit ; Cash on delivery / collection; Paypal; WebMoney
Prepayment | All orders must be paid in full prior to delivery
Web Page relevant to Discount Rate You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Provider Information
Name / Business Name | Evik
Location | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Type: | Private
Working Languages | English; Russian
Web Page relevant to Provider / Consumer Information You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
Services supplied by Provider
Services supplied by Provider You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Contact Information (click the link below) |
User name | evik United Kingdom: London