Category | Music, Vinyl, CD
Registration Date | 2014-05-01 06:03:21
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Goods Description
| Goods Reference Number | 13776
| Artist | John Lennon
| Title | Stand By Me
| Music Genre | Experimental music; Popular music; Rock; Rock and roll
| Year of production | 1985
| Made in: | Australia
| Gift | yes (Suitable as a present) |
Track listing | Record 1: 1. Imagine (Live At The Apollo) ; 2. New York City (Final Demo) ; 3. Memphis (With Chuck Berry) ; 4. Johnny B. Goode ; 5. Roll Over Beethoven ; 6. Whole Lotta Shakin Goin On /Ill Be Looking For You ; 7. Rock And Roll People (Composing Demo) ; 8. Tight As (Composing Demo) ; 9. Rock And Roll People (Take Five) ; 10. Mind Games (Early Mix) ; 11. Here We Go Again (Demo) ; 12. Sweet Little Sixteen (Alt. Take) ; Record 2L: 1. You Cant Catch Me (Alt. Take) ; 2. Mucho Mungo (Demo) ; 3. Goodnight Vienna (Studio Demo) ; 4. Surprise Surprise (Home Demo) ; 5. Paradox (Home Demo) ; 6. Whatever Gets You Through The Night (Composing) ; 7. Whatever Gets You Through The Night (Studio Demo) ; 8. Beef Jerky (Alt. Take) ; 9. Going Down On Love (Alt. Take) ; 10. Move Over Ms. L (Alt. Take) ; 11. Surprise Surprise (Alt. Take) ; 12. I Saw Her Standing There (Studio With Elton John) ; 13. Slippin And Slidin (Old Grey Whistle Test)
Record Label | Toasted
Manufacturer Part Number | TRW 1942
Original | yes
Album format, Media | LP
Album format, Media | Bootleg (Further details) |
Playback | Stereo
Records in set: | 2
Condition | Mint / Perfect; Excellent
Web Page relevant to Grading System You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Details of Packaging
Condition | Mint / Perfect; Excellent
Location information
Country; City | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Dispatches to Country(ies):
Region: | Worldwide; CIS countries
Country(s); City(s) | Country: | United Kingdom; Russia |
Delivery | Please contact the provider (Available options) |
Web Page relevant to Delivery You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Price information
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Price | Non-Negotiable
Price Level | Price high
Catalog price / List price / 'Book' value / Suggested retail price (mint condition)
| |
Status of sale | Available
Currency Accepted | Euro EUR; United States Dollars USD; United Kingdom Pounds GBP; Russia Rubles RUB
Currency Preferred | United Kingdom Pounds GBP
Payment Methods Accepted | Credit Card; Cash; Personal / Business Cheques; Instant Money Transfer (Western Union, UNIStream, etc.); Postal Order; Direct deposit ; Cash on delivery / collection; Paypal; WebMoney
Prepayment | All orders must be paid in full prior to delivery
Web Page relevant to Discount Rate You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Provider Information
Name / Business Name | Evik
Location | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Type: | Private
Working Languages | English; Russian
Web Page relevant to Provider / Consumer Information You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
Services supplied by Provider
Services supplied by Provider You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Contact Information (click the link below) |
User name | evik United Kingdom: London