Category | Music, Vinyl, CD
Registration Date | 2014-05-21 02:02:32
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Goods Description
| Goods Reference Number | 13907
| Artist | Beatles
| Title | Live! At The Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962
| Music Genre | Popular music; Progressive rock; Psychedelic rock; Rock
| Year of production | 1977
| Made in: | Germany
Track listing | Introduction/I Saw Her Standing There; Roll Over Beethoven; The Hippy Hippy Shake; Sweet Little Sixteen; Lend Me Your Comb; Your Feet’s Too Big / Twist And Shout; Mr Moonlight; A Taste Of Honey; Besame Mucho; Reminiscing; Kansas City/Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey! / Nothin’ Shakin’; To Know Her Is To Love Her; Little Queenie; Falling In Love Again (Can’t Help It); Ask Me Why; Be-Bop-A-Lula; Hallelujah, I Love Her So / Red Sails In The Sunset; Everybody’s Trying To Be My Baby; Matchbox; I’m Talking About You; Shimmy Like Kate; Long Tall Sally; I Remember You
Short description | One of the best-known semi-official Beatles releases, “Live! At The Star-Club in Hamburg, Germany; 1962”, a 26-song double album, was first released on 8 April 1977. The recordings were made by the Star-Club’s stage manager Adrian Barber. Barber used a 3¾” per second Grundig home tape machine to record the group, with a single microphone placed at the front of the stage. Later, over 100,000 USD were spent on audio processing and mixing to make the recordings more commercially viable. The Beatles attempted to block release of the album. John Lennon wrote a letter about the album with a postscript simply stated: “THIS IS A FUCKING FAKE!”. However, The High Court rejected Apple’s attempts to block the release and “Live! At The Star-Club£ was first released in Germany in April, and in the United Kingdom May 1977. The album was issued in the US in June 1977 (four songs – I Saw Her Standing There, Twist And Shout, Reminiscing and Ask Me Why – were replaced by four others from the same tapes: I’m Gonna Sit Right Down And Cry (Over You), Where Have You Been, Till There Was You and Sheila). When the 1998 Copyright Act had r been passed, Apple’s lawyers were able to prove that the Star-Club recordings were made while The Beatles were under contract to EMI. In the witness box Harrison described the tapes as “the crummiest recording ever made in our name, and said that “One drunken person recording another bunch of drunks does not constitute a business deal.” The judge ruled that Apple should be granted ownership of the tapes, and the rights to issue the recordings. Although the company has declined to release them, the 20 years that they were on sale prior to the court case meant they remain widely available on the second-hand market and via bootleg sources. All the album songs give an insight into the sound of The Beatles prior to their commercial breakthrough, when they were playing lengthy sets containing mostly cover versions
Record Label | Bellaphon
Manufacturer Part Number | BLS 5560
Original | yes
Album format, Media | LP
Playback | Stereo
Records in set: | 2
Condition | Mint / Perfect; Excellent
Web Page relevant to Grading System You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Details of Packaging
Packaging and Inserts | Gatefold sleeve; Sticker / Label
Condition | Very good
Location information
Country; City | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Dispatches to Country(ies):
Region: | Worldwide; CIS countries
Country(s); City(s) | Country: | Russia; United Kingdom |
Delivery | Please contact the provider (Available options) |
Web Page relevant to Delivery You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Price information
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Catalog price / List price / 'Book' value / Suggested retail price (mint condition)
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Status of sale | Available
Currency Accepted | Euro EUR; United States Dollars USD; United Kingdom Pounds GBP; Russia Rubles RUB
Currency Preferred | United Kingdom Pounds GBP
Payment Methods Accepted | Credit Card; Cash; Personal / Business Cheques; Instant Money Transfer (Western Union, UNIStream, etc.); Postal Order; Direct deposit ; Cash on delivery / collection; Paypal; WebMoney
Prepayment | All orders must be paid in full prior to delivery
Web Page relevant to Discount Rate You can view the page by following this link: |  English |  Russian
Provider Information
Name / Business Name | Evik
Location | Country: United Kingdom City: London
Type: | Private
Working Languages | English; Russian
Web Page relevant to Provider / Consumer Information You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
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User name | evik United Kingdom: London