Category | Travel; Holidays, Tours & Activities
Registration Date | 2006-09-29 08:44:56
Publication Reference Number | 277
| |
Services information
| Name: | Travel Agency "DIAMOND TOUR"
| Cultural activities | Museums; Entertainment Programme; Excursions
Services Provided: | Accommodation: Hotels; Car Rental ; Conferences and Exhibitions; Eating out (Restaurants, Bars, etc.); Entertainment; Travel; Holidays, Tours & Activities; Meeting Facilities; Taxis & Minicabs, Private Cars; Ticket Booking (travel); Visas
Web Page relevant to Description of Goods, Service, Offer... You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
Tour / Travel / Tickets to Country(ies):
Region: | Former USSR
Country(s); City(s) | City: | Urgench (Uzbekistan) | | Tashkent (Uzbekistan) | | Bukhara (Uzbekistan) | | Samarkand (Uzbekistan) | | Fergana (Uzbekistan) |
Provider Information
| Name: | Travel Agency "DIAMOND TOUR"
| Established in: | 1996
| Type of Business or Sector | Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
| Location | Country: Uzbekistan City: Tashkent
| Sector: | Private Sector
| Working Languages | English; Russian
Website Address relevant to this Publication You can view the page by following this link: |  English |
Contact Information (click the link below) |
User name | DIAMOND TOUR Uzbekistan: Tashkent