Category | Private / Individual exchange (want to host)
Registration Date | 2011-06-23 00:55:25
Closing date: | 1, December, 2011
Publication Reference Number | 10358
| |
Offer Description
Name: | Hosting
Registration objective | Offer: want to host
Purpose of visit | Language learning
Time period | ≥1, September, 2011 ≤1, September, 2012
Commence: | 1, September, 2011
Spheres of interest
Cultural activities | Museums; Visual Arts ; Theatre; Opera; Music; Library; Folklore Events; Excursions
Activities / Sport | Ecotourism; Fishing; Hunting; Shooting; Swimming
Languages of communication | English; Russian
Short description of the offer | We want to host English-speaking student for a joint study of the English – Russian languages, with accommodation for one year
Web Page relevant to Description of Offer You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Region: | Siberia
Country(s); City(s) | City: | Novosibirsk (Russia) |
Web Page relevant to Location You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Accommodation Type: | Flat / Apartment; Private Room; Stay with a Family
Requirements for Candidates
Region: | America; European Union
Country(s): | Canada; India ; Virgin Islands USA; United Kingdom; British Virgin Islands
Languages of Candidates
(at least one item of the selected item group is required) | English
(all items of the selected item group are required) | English
Details of organisation providing education and training (requirements) |
Type: | Elementary and Secondary Schools; Language schools; Trade Schools; Junior Colleges; Colleges ; Technical Schools; Professional Schools; Universities ; Other Schools and Courses
Level: | High School ; Associate Degree / Foundation Degree ; Bachelor's Degree (BA/BSc); Master's Degree (MA/MSc); Master of Philosophy (MPhil) / (Certificate of Advanced Study); Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) ; Higher Doctorate, e.g. Doctor of Science (DSc)
Specialisation | Subjects allied to Medicine; Biological Sciences; Ecology; Botany; Veterinary Sciences, Agriculture and related subjects; Physical Sciences; Environmental Sciences; Mathematical and Computer Sciences; Engineering; Technologies; Architecture, Building and Planning; Social studies; Technical translation; European Languages, Literature and related subjects; Historical and Philosophical studies
Web Page relevant to Requirements for Candidates You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Provider Information
Name / Business Name | частное лицо
Established in: | Новосибирск
Date of Birth | 14, August, 1973
Location | Country: Russia City: Novosibirsk
Type of Business or Sector | Construction
Type: | Private
Sector: | Governmental / State; Intergovernmental; International Organisation; Non-profit organization; Private Sector; Others
Services Provided: | Accommodation; Meals; Visa support; Ticket Booking (travel); Ticket Booking (Entertainment); Hands-on training; Interpretation; Entertainment programme
Working Languages | English
Web Page relevant to Provider Information You can view the page by following this link: |  Russian
Contact Information (click the link below) |
User name | nikitinv03 Russia