Ajuda/Perguntas do FAQ |
Please note that www.most-bridge.com is an information-only Portal. We are not qualified to offer you legal or financial advice. We are also not responsible for the content of Publications – any advice required on an individual Publication should be directed to the Participant using the "user name" or the “contact via MBP” links available in the “Contact Information” area of each Publication.
For more information see our “Terms and Conditions”
Please check the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) below to help in your query.
ABOUT MBP - Frequently Asked Questions О ПМБ – Часто Задаваемые Вопросы |
This page addresses General questions about the MBP. For other questions concerning MBP, see also: 4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
1. General FAQ
Q1.1 |
What is MBP?
A |
MBP is a Programme dedicated to providing the Programme Participants with on-line information within and between marketplaces.
Q1.2 |
What does MBP Do?
A |
MBP provides Information on web portal www.most-bridge.com to facilitate communications between companies, organizations or individuals from different countries in most of the areas of international co-operation.
Q1.3 |
Who are its members?
A |
Currently, MBP has 12015 participants from 149 countries. Members include companies, organizations or individuals who are involved in international co-operation in Research and Development, Education, Trade, Business and Investment , Labour Market or want to provide services to International travellers
SM: Figures XZ should be automatically inserted
Q1.4 |
What is the current position of The MBP in the Market?
A |
Demand for MBP services is continuously increasing, in a large measure, due to the demand for projects in the developing world. MBP Participants are better positioned to increase their international presence. MBP helps its Participants to compete with their counterparts by having first-hand information from around-the-world. MBP also helps its Participants make their presence known in new markets, offering the kind of individualized support that small and medium size businesses need to bring their world-class goods and services abroad.
Q1.5 |
What kind of economic sector does MBP primarily support?
A |
MBP is primarily dedicated to Research and Development work in Information Technology and Electronics; however any high tech projects, advanced products and high level services can be offered or ordered via the MBP. The MBP is not industry-specific and covers virtually every industrial and economic sector. Any Participant, worldwide, offering or ordering Research & Development, Education, Products, Investment Opportunities and Services can benefit from this open initiative
Q1.6 |
Where is MBP based?
A |
MBP is an International community supplying information for an international marketplace. With headquarters in London, UK, MBP has corporate representation in China, Europe, New Zealand, Russia, South America, USA, and active member participation in 149 countries on five continents.
Q1.7 |
When was MBP established?
A |
MBP was founded in 2004. Originally, it functioned as a community of professionals, vendors and users who were interested in international contacts in a variety of activity areas such as Research and Development, Education and Trade
. |
Q1.8 |
How does MBP differ from other information providers?
A |
MBP is distinguished by its ability to give the user of The Website an opportunity to find (and offer) what they need and where they need it, regardless of the language barriers.
Q1.9 |
What is the difference between MBP and other information portals on the Internet?
A |
The main difference is that our provisions enable a prompt delivery of the information regardless of the existing lingual barriers
Q1.10 |
What is the "British Code of Advertising, Sales and Direct Marketing" as referred to at the bottom of every page?
A |
This code is put in place to protect the public against false advertising by ensuring that they are "legal, decent, honest and truthful". You can access the code by clicking on the link www.asa.org.uk
This page addresses frequently asked questions on MBP Services. For other questions concerning MBP see also:
4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
What People say about us
2. MBP Services FAQ
Q2.1 |
I cannot find the information I want on your Website. Can you help me to locate it?
A |
Absolutely. One of our main initiatives is to find information for our customers. If you do not find what you want on our website, we can get in touch with many of our partners around the world and find the information you need. Please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number.
Q2.2 |
Can MBP offer support to any one project?
A. |
MBP does not provide direct project support for any one project. However Project support can be provided by SEDAM Communications Ltd. the London based company a Founder and Executor of the MBP.
Q2.3 |
I am interested in a certain category of information but I can’t find it listed on your website.
A. |
We have tried to list as many Publication categories in our search criteria as possible, however, when we only have 1 or 2 of a certain type of Publication on the database we do not open a new category for it. If it is an unusual information type you are looking for, please try the "Miscellaneous” section.
Q2.4 |
Can I get more detailed information in a language of my choice ?
A. |
Contact us by e-mail provided in FAQ section 8 so we can arrange for a translation. Please refer to our payment conditions for more details.
Q2.5 |
I would like for you to search for information. What is the cost?
A. |
We can definitely help you find the information you need. We search on your behalf and make a report that is sent to you. Please refer to our payment conditions for more details If you have any particular questions, please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number for more information.
This page addresses frequently asked questions on MBP Membership. For other questions concerning MBP, see also:
4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
3. MBP Membership FAQ
Q3.1 |
Does MBP encourage open participation?
A |
MBP believes on-line information can only be useful when all those who are searching for it participate in the information creation. We offer a range of membership levels to support an inclusive, international, and balanced member base
Q3.2 |
Do you have to qualify to become an MBP member?
A |
Any company, organization or individual who would benefit by representation in the MBP is eligible for membership
Q3.3 |
What kind of organizations are MBP members?
A |
Members of MBP are Academic and Private Sectors Research Facilities, Universities, Manufacturers, users and vendors, trade groups and service providers, individuals that are interested in international co-operation.
Q3.4 |
What is the difference between an MBP Fellow Member and an MBP Professional?
A |
- Fellow Member is an MBP Participant who has full access to The
Website Publications and the MBP services and can publish information on The
Website. Usually it is a Company, Agency or Organization, however it can be
a person such as a medical or legal practitioner, who wants to Publish their
proposals in MBP Services. Fellow members receive a variety of exclusive
promotional benefits
- MBP Professional - an MBP Participant, usually an individual. The Professional Membership gives you full access to The Website information during the first month of Membership starting from the Registration date and access to The Website as аn MBP Member afterwards. A Professional Membership allows you to make Publications in the Professional page of The Website.
Q3.5 |
May I join MBP as an Individual?
A |
MBP offers Individual membership in any of the levels of Participation: MBP Member, MBP Fellow Member, MBP Professional, - Individuals’ employers are not referenced or identified in any way. It is important to note that individual membership is non-transferable.
Q3.6 |
If my organization is already an MBP member, what do I need to do to participate?
A |
If you are authorised by your organization you can get access to site information and services using the corporate user name and password
Q3.7 |
What do I need to know before applying for membership?
A |
Organizations or individuals considering MBP membership should review the MBP Terms and Conditions. This document provides valuable insight into how MBP operates and details the rights and requirements of members.
Q3.8 |
What payment options does MBP offer?
A |
MBP accepts payment by credit and debit cards. Our qualified agents may accept alternative payment options, that are more convenient in their respective countries. If you have any particular questions, please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number for more information.
Q3.9 |
How is the Fellow Membership renewed?
A |
Subject to the regular membership fee payment, the Fellow Membership is automatically renewed until you inform us that you wish to cancel your subscription.
Q3.10 |
Can a Participant upgrade their membership status in the middle of the year?
A |
Yes, membership can be upgraded at any time.
Q3.11 |
Can I cancel my MBP Membership
A |
You can cancel your MBP Membership at any time. If you wish to cancel your Membership, simply go to “My area in MBP” page and follow the instructions
Q3.12 |
I provided registration information but have not seen it on the Website – how long should it take?
A |
Information is published on the Website in real time. However you may miss it as it is not necessarily listed as the end entry of a MBP catalogue. Use the search facility to identify it. If you are not able to find it, please send an email quoting the participant number and the Name of the MBP page to: webadmin@most-bridge.com
This page addresses frequently asked questions on MBP Registration and Payment. For other questions concerning MBP, see also:
4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
4. MBP Registration and Payment FAQ
Q4.1 |
Why do I need to register?
A. |
The filling in of the registration form allows to maintain the Website database so that MBP Participants could establish contact with potential partners across the bridge notwithstanding the possible language barrier. The information provided during the registration shall not be used by us for commercial purposes
Q4.2 |
Why do I need to pay?
A. |
Your registration payment enables us to keep our publication rates at a reasonable level in order to increase the information flow and even to allow free publication with every registration. This provides us with a massive database of publications for you to browse. You do not need to pay until you have found a publication you are interested in and need additional information on it.
Note: Until further notice, access to all our resources, including the right to agent fee, is free.
Q4.3 |
How long does it take to get access to MBP recourses after registration?
A. |
You can get access to MBP recourses right after the completion of the registration process
Q4.4 |
I have forgotten my password.
A. |
Click on "Login" in any page and use the " Forgot Password?" link. We will then email your password to you.
Q4.5 |
I am having problems with registration. My card has not been accepted.
A. |
We accept all major credit cards, if you are having problems please contact your bank for further details.
Q4.6 |
What payment options does MBP offer?
A |
MBP accepts payment by credit and debit cards. Our qualified agents may accept alternative payment options, that are more convenient in their respective countries. If you have any particular questions, please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number for more information.
Q4.7 |
Are my financial details secure when I register or place a Publication online?
A. |
All transactions are carried out over a secure ePDQ server provided by reputable Barclaycard Merchant Services by one of the world leading Bank. ePDQ utilises 128 bit SSL encryption, the same high standard as Internet banking, to process card transactions. Payment details are captured within our secure ePDQ infrastructure and therefore you can have the confidence that your financial details are secure.
Q4.8 |
I have been charged twice for my Publication / VIP Registration.
A. |
Each click of the "Make Payment" button creates a payment. Therefore, if the button is double clicked, two payments will be made. Please contact us (with your ePDQ reference number) to arrange a refund.
Note: Until further notice, access to all our resources, including the right to agent fee, is free. Примечание: До последующего объявления, доступ ко всем нашим ресурсам, включая право на агентское вознаграждение свободен.
Q4.9 |
How can I cancel my annual registration?
A. |
We can only refund a whole month's subscription. Email us your cancellation request within 2 weeks of the beginning of the month to be refunded.
Q4.10 |
I do not have a credit or debit card. How can I pay?
A. |
Our payment system is on-line oriented and therefore can only process debit and credit cards. However if you do not have a credit card you can use the assistance of our agents world wide. Please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number for more information. |
Q4.11 |
I live in the USA and want to pay for your services by check / over the internet?
A. |
Yes, we have an account in the USA where you can pay easily by check or using Internet banking. Contact us for more information.
Q4.12 |
How can I calculate the fees into another currency?
A. |
To calculate currency, go to www.xe.com
This page addresses frequently asked questions on Placing a Publication on The Website. For other questions concerning MBP, see also:
4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
5. Place a publication on The Website FAQ
Q5.1 |
What is a MBP Publication?
A. |
A MBP Publication is an electronic copy of the document offered by the MBP Participant for distribution via The Website. It is classified in accordance with the MBP Publication Category.
Q5.2 |
How do I place a Publication?
A. |
Please select "Publication" from any page of the Website and follow the instructions. You will need to be registered as an MBP fellow Member or MBP Professional to place Publication
Q5.3 |
I did not find an appropriate category for my Publication. What can I do?
A. |
We will be extending our list of publications to include our Participants areas of interest , in the meantime, if there is no option for your item please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number for more information.
Q5.4 |
I placed a publication online but cannot find it in your database. Why?
A. |
You can check the status of your advert by logging in and visiting the "My
area" section.
Q5.5 |
I have placed a publication online - how can I tell how many people have viewed it?
A. |
When you place a Publication you automatically get access to our statistics area so you can see how many times your Publications have been viewed. All you have to do is log in, access the "Me Area" link on the top navigation panel and click on "My Publications" at the left hand hand side of the screen.
Q5.6 |
How do I amend my publication?
A. |
You can amend or renew your Publication by logging in and visiting the " My area " section.
Q5.7 |
I keep seeing the same information each time I visit – how often is the site updated?
A. |
The site is updated in real time, however, in accordance with our Terms and Conditions a Publication will be presented on The Website for an unlimited period of time. (It will be published for one year unless you cancel or request us to extend it for one more year etc.)
Q5.8 |
The same information has been in a Publication for a long time. Is the related data still valid?
A. |
Due to user oriented approach in MBP information control, a Publication will be presented on The Website for one year unless it is cancelled by the user. Please contact the information owner with any further questions.
This page addresses frequently asked questions on MBP Agents. For other questions concerning MBP, see also:
4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
6. MBP Agents FAQ
Q6.1 |
We would like to support MBP in our country. How can you support us?
A. |
If you are interested to market our services in your country, we have a special program for it. Click here to find out more about MBP Agents, payment and discount schemes as provided in section 8 of “The Terms and Conditions. Please contact us via any of the emails listed in FAQ section 8 quoting the Participant Number for more information
Q6.2 |
What are MBP Agents?
A. |
The MBP Agent scheme refers to an established group of MBP Participants who share a common interest in the development of MBP. Our Agent scheme is available to MBP Fellow Members and MBP Professionals. By registering in one of these categories, you will be automatically entitled to an Agent Fee.
This page addresses frequently asked questions on The Website Access. For other questions concerning MBP, see also: 4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
(link Email:
7. The Website Access FAQ
Q7.1 |
I have registered but I cannot get full access to the site.
A. |
There could be a number of reasons for this: |
1) You have entered your password in different register or code. e.g. Cyrillic instead of Latin and are using your registration login details differently. Please check your confirmation email for your correct username and password, alternatively click here.
2) You are using Windows XP with Internet Explorer 6
to check your browser). When you login if you see an icon in the status bar
at the bottom of your screen that looks like an eye ( i. Double click the icon from the status bar. ii. In the pop-up box that appears there will be a list of sites that are blocked. iii. Find Most-Bridge.com and Double click the Most-Bridge.com line. iv. You will see an option that says "always allow this site to use cookies" (2nd Option). v. Tick this option and click OK. vi. Close the pop-up box. vii. You will need to refresh the page by clicking your browser refresh button and login again.
3) Check your internet security settings (IE):
4) You are viewing www.most-bridge.com from within the frames of another site (e.g. http://www.sedamcom.com) having followed a link. You must ensure that the address in your browsers address bar begins with http://www. Most-Bridge.com or click this link. If this is not the case, please re-type the address and log in as usual.
5) You have cookies disabled - you will need to re-enable them in order for our system to recognise you. Access Tools from your toolbar, go to Internet Options, Security and move your security level setting to Medium.
Q7.2 |
I want to change my password.
A. |
Login as usual and click on the “My Area” link. You can change your password in there using the link “Change Password”
This page addresses frequently asked questions on Contacting MBP. For other questions concerning MBP, see also: 4.MBP Registration and Payment FAQ. 5.Placing a Publication on The Website.
MBP Terms and Conditions
(link Email:
8. Contacting MBP FAQ
Q8.1 |
What is your Phone Number and Fax ?
A. |
Because of the global and multilingual nature of MBP we try to channel ALL communications via E-mail. Our mail boxes are monitored by MBP Partners around the world in order to provide the best and the quickest answers.
Q8.2 |
I cannot find an answer to my question . |
A. |
If you still cannot find an answer to your question Please send us an email and we will try to respond within 48 hours.
English Email: english@most-bridge.com
French Email: french@most-bridge.com
German Email: german@most-bridge.com
Russian Email: russian@most-bridge.com
Technical Email: webadmin@most-bridge.com
Click here to check your browser
Q8.3 |
I requested further details using the link “Contact via MBP” link but have received nothing – how long should it take?
A. |
“The Contact MBP” facility is a communication tool via the Website offered to participants who opt not to publish their contact details. It is automatic and we have no control over the information provided to you in response to your request